Su(u)ch Dainty's Man of the Year (Dylan)

Born: 2003-03-12

Hips: A, Elbows: UA

Swedish show champion
BIS at the Golden retriever clubs open show.

Unfortunately Dylan became sterile at a quite an
early age due to a testicular inflammation.

For more information: Rasdata or SKK:s Avelsdata


SU(u)CH Dainty's Copy Right SU(u)CH Colbar Step Ahead IECH GBSHCH Gunhills Blue River
GBSHCH Colbar Royal Rhapsody
Dainty's Carbon Copy Shanlimore Falcon
Dainty's Rule Brittania
SU(u)CH Dainty's Jacobite Rose Pearlbarn Pinball Wizard GBCH Ritzilyn Cockney Robin
Stanroph Sandancer For Pearlbarn
SU(u)CH Dainty's Dancing Wave Dainty's Goldmine
Goody-Goody's Doris Day


Dylan 5 weeks.

Dylan 2 ½ month.

"Maverick", 5 month u: Le pets Born to surprise

Daisy, 7 month u: Gently's Carpe Diem, owner G. Furuvik.