The Cats........


Celine is an old Persian lady.

Celine is our extra mummy.

In the end of July La Nilsson and Pavarotti arrived from Lasse and Cilla.
In the beginning they had other names, but were renamed due to their unusual voice resosources. The first minutes in their new home they looked like this………

But soon they looked like this or………………

like this………

Pavarotti strongly believes he is a panther………

But La Nilsson is more of a diva………

They have a nice basket to sleep in…………

But oddly enough they prefer this…………

Celine suddenly had a new family to care for…………


But the time passes quickly and now Pavarotti and Birgit have grown up.

Pavorotti still plays he is a panther sometimes……

and Birgit is still a diva

while Celine still is our extra mummy

One evening in August 2009 Knut came wandering to our home.
He was emaciated and dehydrated and very, very tired

The first couple of days he slept, ate and slept again………

But now he looks like this………